Demand the Now

Desire Beautiful Love?                Amazing Abundance?

Fabulous Health?                                        Spontaneous Creativity?

Have you said or ever heard someone say:

“I’m just not ‘wired’ for that.”

Yes, You can create the new neurons for the new future you.

Here’s how….

See the future as a mirage glistening in the path before you. Create a vision board if that makes it a clearer image.

How does this new future make you feel? How would you feel if you had it now?

Say out loud “this is my future”

The committee in your head will object. This is the past, trying to tell you what’s real. It believes it will keep you safe. Not knowing it’s keeping you dead.

Gently, allow your awareness to ignore the draw of the noise for your attention and refocus. The voice will tell you it’s urgent! Analysis is needed! You must pay attention for your own good! The dreaded doom is around the corner if you disregard it’s attempts for attention!

Again and again, gently but firmly “reign” your awareness back to the NOW focus.

training horse

If the pull increases, it will kick and buck like a wild stallion. The “noise” becoming louder, stronger, more and more intense! You must! You must! The mind will panic. Note I said the mind will panic. This will be the protector mind loosing it’s beliefs that have been limiting you.

You, the Observer of All, will be able to watch it from within as it kicks and pulls and demands your attention.

(see blog on vibrations)

Regardless of the sensations in your body, the pull in your gut,

Trust the Now.

This noise is “the protective deceiver”; The illusion.

Allow your mind to Demand:

  You Shall Not pass!

You Shall NOT Pass

You Shall NOT Pass

As the old mind surrenders, neurons rewire, and you’ll feel a release. This is your past reality shifting as the body gives up it’s past. You may sense a new feeling of freedom as if a cord has been severed.

Once again,  gently but firmly “reign” your awareness back to the NOW focus.

Recreate your vision and notice how you’re able to feel and experience your new future a little clearer.

You’ve just jumped tracks, not only in your brain and it’s wiring, but also in your future path down to your genetics.

The Now is a wave form. The void of creation. Reality is fluid and doesn’t form until you come out of the Now.  As you open your eyes and look around, you’re back in time. This is when you, the observation collapses the wave into the form you see around you.

Open your eyes and see your world. Allow the new future to be drawn to you. You will start noticing simple opportunities that you over looked in the past or that were invisible to you before.

Your vibration has shifted.

Enjoy your new created reality!

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  1. Pingback: Good Vibrations | Reflected Insights

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