Demand the Now

Desire Beautiful Love?                Amazing Abundance?

Fabulous Health?                                        Spontaneous Creativity?

Have you said or ever heard someone say:

“I’m just not ‘wired’ for that.”

Yes, You can create the new neurons for the new future you.

Here’s how….

See the future as a mirage glistening in the path before you. Create a vision board if that makes it a clearer image.

How does this new future make you feel? How would you feel if you had it now?

Say out loud “this is my future”

The committee in your head will object. This is the past, trying to tell you what’s real. It believes it will keep you safe. Not knowing it’s keeping you dead.

Gently, allow your awareness to ignore the draw of the noise for your attention and refocus. The voice will tell you it’s urgent! Analysis is needed! You must pay attention for your own good! The dreaded doom is around the corner if you disregard it’s attempts for attention!

Again and again, gently but firmly “reign” your awareness back to the NOW focus.

training horse

If the pull increases, it will kick and buck like a wild stallion. The “noise” becoming louder, stronger, more and more intense! You must! You must! The mind will panic. Note I said the mind will panic. This will be the protector mind loosing it’s beliefs that have been limiting you.

You, the Observer of All, will be able to watch it from within as it kicks and pulls and demands your attention.

(see blog on vibrations)

Regardless of the sensations in your body, the pull in your gut,

Trust the Now.

This noise is “the protective deceiver”; The illusion.

Allow your mind to Demand:

  You Shall Not pass!

You Shall NOT Pass

You Shall NOT Pass

As the old mind surrenders, neurons rewire, and you’ll feel a release. This is your past reality shifting as the body gives up it’s past. You may sense a new feeling of freedom as if a cord has been severed.

Once again,  gently but firmly “reign” your awareness back to the NOW focus.

Recreate your vision and notice how you’re able to feel and experience your new future a little clearer.

You’ve just jumped tracks, not only in your brain and it’s wiring, but also in your future path down to your genetics.

The Now is a wave form. The void of creation. Reality is fluid and doesn’t form until you come out of the Now.  As you open your eyes and look around, you’re back in time. This is when you, the observation collapses the wave into the form you see around you.

Open your eyes and see your world. Allow the new future to be drawn to you. You will start noticing simple opportunities that you over looked in the past or that were invisible to you before.

Your vibration has shifted.

Enjoy your new created reality!

Liar, Liar! Can Truth Be Told?


Dear Jenni,

My friend is a certified energy healer. She was telling me that anytime we have to clear our throats it’s an indication that there is a lie somewhere either present or generational. Do you know anything about energy healing and what do you think of that statement? The reason I’m asking is because I’m listening to Neville Goddard whom I highly highly respect and believe and now I’m noticing when people are clearing their throats and he does that on this particular video and I’m wondering whether or not he is lying. I guess that we all have lied and do lie and have generational issues so it doesn’t mean that what a person is saying in the present moment is a lie. What is your take on this?


What I do is also energy healing. I just don’t always call it that, heehee (This, for another blog, lol) to be linked

So….  Does someone clearing their throat mean that they’re lying?


There is no reality so there can’t be a lie;  There’s only possibility, belief and expansion.

It could be that a person on a video from which you’re learning some great “Truths”,  could be constantly clearing his/her throat for different reasons.  Perhaps he’s unsure of what he’s saying as a solid truth expressed in  his own life.
Because of this, it lives as a truth and a possibility, which he hasn’t proven to himself yet.  Faith without works, in his own personal life, doesn’t quite feel true until he “experiences it” in his reality.  This is where we move from faith to belief thus making it True, until of course we move on to the next possible truth. see: Bubble of Belief

Therefore some live on blind faith, tripping across the proof now and then. Although this can actually strengthen faith, it will still move into belief through experience either consciously or “accidentally”. (yet, another great blog post on expansion)to be linked

Even universal truth is constantly expanding. An example could be seen in Physics. For example, an expanded awareness of Newtonian Physics compared to Quantum Physics. Both being true. Or, the numerable Galaxies showing us that the more we look, the more we find. Also, new scientific insights regarding DNA explained here by Dr. Bruce Lipton in Biology of Belief.

Where is Truth? Where does it end? Possibly when we stop looking?

So, let’s look at the universal truths of the Law Of Attraction and Quantum Mechanics.  Truths which are still expanding and will continue to, within themselves and our understanding of them. If this “truth” is shared by me, yet still doubted in my own belief and reality, it could show up in my expression center as doubt, thus appearing to others as a possible lie. Excuse me whilst I clear my throat.. haha
So listen away to the brilliant truth that you’re drawn to from someone expressing on da’tube .  If you’re drawn to it, it’s probably expansive for you, even if that particular person hasn’t proven it in their own life. Soon you’ll be moving on anyway to a new adventure of “truth” to explore.

Now, back to your friend. Are we all lying? Yes, and NO

Ill will or self preservation, which btw can come from uncleared generational issues,  acted upon out of fear.; We know it ain’t true =  down right fibbing. Yet, even this plays a role for expansion of consciousness.

The rest of us throat clearers? Perhaps we can take a looksee if we’re just throwing out possibilities. Let’s go ahead and move-on up through the doubts of our creation into the next experience of our Now truth by allowing it to form!

Good Vibrations

Guess where a great place to receive information for transformation is.

Those stories about your life!  You know, the ones that you and your friends hear you tell over and over again…. add nausea. Those happy ones that have you feeling good are great but not here. This is for those ‘bad feelings’ that you’ve been avoiding feeling you’re whole life? Need a drink? How about an entire gallon of ice cream?



Are your ready to be free?  Really? … if not, stop here.  You’ll need that dusty story to remember the old you that you’ve been keeping alive. The one that keeps you living that life you keep complaining about.



So you say you’re ready to be free and happy? Free from having to control someone or something “out there” to keep them from bumping into your uncomfies? Okeedoke!

Here, I’ll share how you can use them as your guides. Those well worn tracks that you thought were heading into nowhere-land can be utilized into  transforming the issues that stop you from living the life you love.

Here’s the outline:

Realities>  Stories

Story>  Thoughts

Thoughts> Feelings

Feelings>  Sensations

Sensations> Vibrations


Now, tell me a story …..      about you.

What are you thinking!?!  Yep, really. Take a peek at what you are thinking about that adds to the story. Good! Believe it or not, we’re on the right track here.  No wonder you’re feeling that way!  Think about it some more..  now how does that feel?

We’re exposing the vibration signal that you’re sending out into the world. Those ‘ol past pains that you keep recreating without even knowing it.  They’ve been disguised as “that’s just the way it is”.

Is this the life you truly desire to live? Let’s create the new future for you. The one that you’d love to live.


Pay attention to your emotional reactions about what you’re saying and allow them to grow. Wow, intense?   Great!

Now feel how that emotion feels in your body. Does it feel like an adrenaline surge? Anxiety? Nausea?

body sensations


Describe what,  say,  anxiety feels like in your body.  Maybe like a wave in your chest?  Vibrating, swirling, shaking, heavy dead-weight?   Feel it as a sensation.  Maybe even the “nothing-ness”,  yes even the nothing has a sensation. Don’t quit that easy. Don’t give up. What does numb feel like? Do you sense it has a shape? A color? Write it down if it helps.


Be the self proclaimed scientist. Inquire, notice; how it seems you’ve actually become these sensations. They encompassed you to the point that you slowly began to think they “are’ you.  Pay attention to the rattling, rolling, spinning  sensations from a new point of view. One of curious, neutral observation. Follow the sensations into your body, watch as they move, sway, morph. Do not try to change or get rid of them. Just observe their antics.

If you notice that you’re going back into your head and starting to tell the story again, then you’re beginning to  move the energy outward again and re-projecting your creation back out into the screen of life. The energy will move inward into vibrations for clearing or outward through the stages into your reality as seemingly solid matter.

Follow the emotion back in again, back into sensation in your body. Watch as it moves, sways, morphs, again, not trying to change or get rid of it. Be with it. How very in-ter-esting,  eh?

As it dissipate, and it will. (no trying to dissolve it allowed) search for that tiny remaining sense of a wisp of sensation and watch again as it dissolves. Go for each and every tendril.

Gone? ok,  Now, notice how you feel…

Tell me that old worn out story again. That one that had such a huge charge for you. The one that ran your life.

Tell it one more time.  See if it has the same affect it used to. No?


HaHa! Where’d it go?!?

For the “tricky little ones” see: Demand the Now




Would you’d love to work with me to support you in this process?

Check out my Website Here at Personal GPS for


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Energy Expresses

Settle Down! Back off! Toughen up! It doesn’t have to be perfect!  


I’m here to share with you ways that we each express our individual energy .

I will explain 4 energy types, how we each express differently and why it’s important to understand these differences

By the time I’m finished, you will understand yourselves and each other in a deeper way.

Starting with the 4 energy types as explained by a woman I really admire; Carol Tuttle’s Energy Profiling 

We are all expressions of different aspects of life: air – water – fire – earth

Examples of these might be: Daisies and butterflies – a willow branch or a peaceful flowing stream – the Painted dessert and the Grand Canyon – a single red rose, or a still pond

Although we each express ourselves with all 4 types, we tend to lead with a main one with secondary influences.

We each express differently in personality and appearance

A few of the ways we express these aspects in our Personality would be :

#1’s – Air – Buoyant, uplifting, light, – – They ask; is everyone happy?

#2’s – Water – Flowing, sensitive awareness – –They ask: is everyone comfortable?

#3’s – Fire – Dynamic, Results driven, entrepreneurs – –They’re the git ‘er done people.

#4’s – Earth – Reflective, bold, structured, a discerning eye – –They ask: can it be better?

We also express these aspects in our physical forms. These elements can be applied to our clothing & color choices. Even our facial structure. I’ll save the visual examples of how for another time.

It’s easy to become judgmental of another when they express differently than we do, or how we’ve been taught is correct, or aspects of ourselves that we’ve rejected because we ourselves were judged.

We rally against another and what we’ve been taught is correct behavior. We try to become the perfect man or woman. The structured model of societies’ dictates and approval.

How many of you have been told—–

Settle down, your too excited, or easily distracted: you must be ADD— *#1s are effervescent, uplifting, creative

How about: Toughen up! Your too sensitive, meek, quiet ……. *#2s are aware, compassionate, so warm, welcoming

Be Quiet! Chill out! Your too loud, intense– anyone?? .*#3s can be so colorful, such dynamic leaders, accomplished.

And who’s heard:..Lighten up! Your too critical, stoic; she must be borderline autistic, it doesn’t have to be perfect!

#4s are bold, clear and direct, organized, and have a gifted keen eye for critique, (if I do say so myself, heehee)

Why Energy expression is important to understand.

Now, when you can see the type that a person leads with, it will give you an understanding of why they do things the way they do them, and thus not judge or react negatively, but rather respond in an encouraging , supportive manner. It give us confidence in who we are and compassion and understanding for each other.

I’m OK/ You’re OK

Acceptance leads to harmony in cooperation, and synergy; the whole being greater than it’s individual parts.

We become freely expressed individuals who have impact in life, with each other and on the world.

Each person is a gift and contribution, let us glean from each other:

So please, you #2’s , help me to be aware and sensitive.

#1’s, light me up and enthuse my life,

#3’s, help me to break through the barriers that sometimes stop me, and

#4’s, show me how to improve the many aspects of my life. –

Now go forth and be confident in yourselves!