Liar, Liar! Can Truth Be Told?


Dear Jenni,

My friend is a certified energy healer. She was telling me that anytime we have to clear our throats it’s an indication that there is a lie somewhere either present or generational. Do you know anything about energy healing and what do you think of that statement? The reason I’m asking is because I’m listening to Neville Goddard whom I highly highly respect and believe and now I’m noticing when people are clearing their throats and he does that on this particular video and I’m wondering whether or not he is lying. I guess that we all have lied and do lie and have generational issues so it doesn’t mean that what a person is saying in the present moment is a lie. What is your take on this?


What I do is also energy healing. I just don’t always call it that, heehee (This, for another blog, lol) to be linked

So….  Does someone clearing their throat mean that they’re lying?


There is no reality so there can’t be a lie;  There’s only possibility, belief and expansion.

It could be that a person on a video from which you’re learning some great “Truths”,  could be constantly clearing his/her throat for different reasons.  Perhaps he’s unsure of what he’s saying as a solid truth expressed in  his own life.
Because of this, it lives as a truth and a possibility, which he hasn’t proven to himself yet.  Faith without works, in his own personal life, doesn’t quite feel true until he “experiences it” in his reality.  This is where we move from faith to belief thus making it True, until of course we move on to the next possible truth. see: Bubble of Belief

Therefore some live on blind faith, tripping across the proof now and then. Although this can actually strengthen faith, it will still move into belief through experience either consciously or “accidentally”. (yet, another great blog post on expansion)to be linked

Even universal truth is constantly expanding. An example could be seen in Physics. For example, an expanded awareness of Newtonian Physics compared to Quantum Physics. Both being true. Or, the numerable Galaxies showing us that the more we look, the more we find. Also, new scientific insights regarding DNA explained here by Dr. Bruce Lipton in Biology of Belief.

Where is Truth? Where does it end? Possibly when we stop looking?

So, let’s look at the universal truths of the Law Of Attraction and Quantum Mechanics.  Truths which are still expanding and will continue to, within themselves and our understanding of them. If this “truth” is shared by me, yet still doubted in my own belief and reality, it could show up in my expression center as doubt, thus appearing to others as a possible lie. Excuse me whilst I clear my throat.. haha
So listen away to the brilliant truth that you’re drawn to from someone expressing on da’tube .  If you’re drawn to it, it’s probably expansive for you, even if that particular person hasn’t proven it in their own life. Soon you’ll be moving on anyway to a new adventure of “truth” to explore.

Now, back to your friend. Are we all lying? Yes, and NO

Ill will or self preservation, which btw can come from uncleared generational issues,  acted upon out of fear.; We know it ain’t true =  down right fibbing. Yet, even this plays a role for expansion of consciousness.

The rest of us throat clearers? Perhaps we can take a looksee if we’re just throwing out possibilities. Let’s go ahead and move-on up through the doubts of our creation into the next experience of our Now truth by allowing it to form!

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