When I __ , I Will …

What do I want to be when I grow up?

kid questions      When will I find my passion?

When I retire, will I know what I love to do?

I’m gonna figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life.

Peter Duggan's Artoon: Rodin

It’s a huge burden to think you will find something now that you will do forever. The stress in the pressure to perform alone can cloud your creative expression. It can give you the: “Think-ing-to-hard-head-hurts-it’s too much-aw-forget-it-need-a-cookie syndrome.

cup of tea

 It all starts with a cuppa tea.

The small, trivial, seemingly unproductive wants of the now.

What do I want to do right now? And do it!

hmmm… I want to pet my dog.

I want to take a walk.

Now I’m taking a nap.

Now I eat my meal. Body, what do I want to eat?

Now call a friend that came to mind.

Now I want write a blog post.  Now I build a website.

Now I go to the store. Now talk to that person I bumped into. Now go for that dream interview that the person I bumped into told me about just now!

etc….. I think you get the jist.

Keep it simple, without judgment. You desires will toggle from seeming large and small.

If it feels good and nurturing, do it now.

It’s our desires, not our rules, limits, structures and “have tos” that propel us into more of us.

Desires are our guides to the now that creates futures. It’s the attachment to, or our judgments of our desires that stagnate life. Attachment comes from scarcity and need. Judgments are the prison of our souls. Wanting creates more wanting.  Desires fulfilled creates fulfilled desires.

 Follow your bliss?  As you listen to each small  “hmm, I want to”  now, they respond and expand into greater understanding of you, and on to the next now impulse. All impulses are here for us to experience and learn. All experiences guides us to a further evolving of the forever expanding All God that we are.  Every now choice leads you to the next now with greater clarity and joy.

The past is only a memory interpretation. It changes depending on your perception and understanding.

The future is a variable of trillions of possibilities.

There is no rest of your life.   There is only now.

There’s nothing to do right now but enjoy life and allow life to reveal the next choice you make in the next now.

As you start remembering the things you love to do … create a vision of the future you.

Look at it; be with it. How do you feel if you had this now?  Remember to allow it to swirl and morph without attachment, into form. Let go of the concrete ‘how it must look or come to you. It’s how you’ll feel when it’s in the now that draws it in.

 girl light feetThis will be your subconscious focus  in which all now wants will light you towards. You will soon be at a place of trusting your impulses.

Stay in the now where all of creation happens. This now impulse will step you into the next now impulse.

Enter your kingdom as a little child:  Follow the simple “I want to” with play, fun, ease.

Give yourself permission to want. It’s only the belief that our desires are unobtainable that causes our hearts pain. Learn to be with the voices that want to distract or stop you.   See “Be with me”

Life is a paradise of play and creation, if we allow.

 As a very good friend of mine has said:

“We are all stars in the sky winking at one another.”

Be With Me

couple yell

It’s not what we can’t be with, it’s what we won’t be with.

The mind thinks it will just be too painful, so we’ve avoided the experience in the past. We’ve run away from them, locking them in our emotions and body with distractions such as busy (there’s so much to do), eating (what?? I just love food), drinking (aw, chill, it’s fun), shopping (wow, what an array)

Or yes, even boundary setting. “You! Out there! Stop triggering me!”

busy multitask
start diet tomorrow

All in an attempt to feel better.

Yet this is in vain as long as we believe that the source of our pain is in the “out there”.

That’s just the mirror. Our messengers.  Yes, our good friends in the adventures of self knowledge and expansion.

 woman upsetWhat???

By turning our awareness inward, we choose to be with that which we refused in the past.

This is not about reliving the story. That’s what we fear. The “I could never live through that agains” That’s what we say will hurt us; possibly even kill us.

man yelling

When you feel like your boss hasn’t respected you. Your mate cheated on you. There’s not enough time, money, etc. The emotional reaction is the pain signal for us to realize something. It’s  the re-triggering of the unresolved past.

This is a wondrous opportunity to clean up your mirror. Oh, I see! So that’s what I believe?!?   (see the bubble of belief)

Immediately turn your awareness inward. What does disrespect feel like? What does scarcity feel like? Walk it inward to sensations. (see Good Vibrations)

eye seesGo inward with your awareness the moment you’re triggered. The moment your heart beats fast. Wake up the moment you want to run away from your emotional reaction.

( I’m not talking about a train coming or an actual lion attack ….. yet. 😉  )

We soon will be able to get to the point where the stories aren’t even necessary.

We can be with ourselves at the deepest level. Now we can be with another. The reflection that we seem to need to stop in the  “out there” will no longer trigger what we wouldn’t be with within ourselves.

Compassion does not pity, it sees the mirror clearly.

Demand the Now

Desire Beautiful Love?                Amazing Abundance?

Fabulous Health?                                        Spontaneous Creativity?

Have you said or ever heard someone say:

“I’m just not ‘wired’ for that.”

Yes, You can create the new neurons for the new future you.

Here’s how….

See the future as a mirage glistening in the path before you. Create a vision board if that makes it a clearer image.

How does this new future make you feel? How would you feel if you had it now?

Say out loud “this is my future”

The committee in your head will object. This is the past, trying to tell you what’s real. It believes it will keep you safe. Not knowing it’s keeping you dead.

Gently, allow your awareness to ignore the draw of the noise for your attention and refocus. The voice will tell you it’s urgent! Analysis is needed! You must pay attention for your own good! The dreaded doom is around the corner if you disregard it’s attempts for attention!

Again and again, gently but firmly “reign” your awareness back to the NOW focus.

training horse

If the pull increases, it will kick and buck like a wild stallion. The “noise” becoming louder, stronger, more and more intense! You must! You must! The mind will panic. Note I said the mind will panic. This will be the protector mind loosing it’s beliefs that have been limiting you.

You, the Observer of All, will be able to watch it from within as it kicks and pulls and demands your attention.

(see blog on vibrations)

Regardless of the sensations in your body, the pull in your gut,

Trust the Now.

This noise is “the protective deceiver”; The illusion.

Allow your mind to Demand:

  You Shall Not pass!

You Shall NOT Pass

You Shall NOT Pass

As the old mind surrenders, neurons rewire, and you’ll feel a release. This is your past reality shifting as the body gives up it’s past. You may sense a new feeling of freedom as if a cord has been severed.

Once again,  gently but firmly “reign” your awareness back to the NOW focus.

Recreate your vision and notice how you’re able to feel and experience your new future a little clearer.

You’ve just jumped tracks, not only in your brain and it’s wiring, but also in your future path down to your genetics.

The Now is a wave form. The void of creation. Reality is fluid and doesn’t form until you come out of the Now.  As you open your eyes and look around, you’re back in time. This is when you, the observation collapses the wave into the form you see around you.

Open your eyes and see your world. Allow the new future to be drawn to you. You will start noticing simple opportunities that you over looked in the past or that were invisible to you before.

Your vibration has shifted.

Enjoy your new created reality!

Good Vibrations

Guess where a great place to receive information for transformation is.

Those stories about your life!  You know, the ones that you and your friends hear you tell over and over again…. add nausea. Those happy ones that have you feeling good are great but not here. This is for those ‘bad feelings’ that you’ve been avoiding feeling you’re whole life? Need a drink? How about an entire gallon of ice cream?



Are your ready to be free?  Really? … if not, stop here.  You’ll need that dusty story to remember the old you that you’ve been keeping alive. The one that keeps you living that life you keep complaining about.



So you say you’re ready to be free and happy? Free from having to control someone or something “out there” to keep them from bumping into your uncomfies? Okeedoke!

Here, I’ll share how you can use them as your guides. Those well worn tracks that you thought were heading into nowhere-land can be utilized into  transforming the issues that stop you from living the life you love.

Here’s the outline:

Realities>  Stories

Story>  Thoughts

Thoughts> Feelings

Feelings>  Sensations

Sensations> Vibrations


Now, tell me a story …..      about you.

What are you thinking!?!  Yep, really. Take a peek at what you are thinking about that adds to the story. Good! Believe it or not, we’re on the right track here.  No wonder you’re feeling that way!  Think about it some more..  now how does that feel?

We’re exposing the vibration signal that you’re sending out into the world. Those ‘ol past pains that you keep recreating without even knowing it.  They’ve been disguised as “that’s just the way it is”.

Is this the life you truly desire to live? Let’s create the new future for you. The one that you’d love to live.


Pay attention to your emotional reactions about what you’re saying and allow them to grow. Wow, intense?   Great!

Now feel how that emotion feels in your body. Does it feel like an adrenaline surge? Anxiety? Nausea?

body sensations


Describe what,  say,  anxiety feels like in your body.  Maybe like a wave in your chest?  Vibrating, swirling, shaking, heavy dead-weight?   Feel it as a sensation.  Maybe even the “nothing-ness”,  yes even the nothing has a sensation. Don’t quit that easy. Don’t give up. What does numb feel like? Do you sense it has a shape? A color? Write it down if it helps.


Be the self proclaimed scientist. Inquire, notice; how it seems you’ve actually become these sensations. They encompassed you to the point that you slowly began to think they “are’ you.  Pay attention to the rattling, rolling, spinning  sensations from a new point of view. One of curious, neutral observation. Follow the sensations into your body, watch as they move, sway, morph. Do not try to change or get rid of them. Just observe their antics.

If you notice that you’re going back into your head and starting to tell the story again, then you’re beginning to  move the energy outward again and re-projecting your creation back out into the screen of life. The energy will move inward into vibrations for clearing or outward through the stages into your reality as seemingly solid matter.

Follow the emotion back in again, back into sensation in your body. Watch as it moves, sways, morphs, again, not trying to change or get rid of it. Be with it. How very in-ter-esting,  eh?

As it dissipate, and it will. (no trying to dissolve it allowed) search for that tiny remaining sense of a wisp of sensation and watch again as it dissolves. Go for each and every tendril.

Gone? ok,  Now, notice how you feel…

Tell me that old worn out story again. That one that had such a huge charge for you. The one that ran your life.

Tell it one more time.  See if it has the same affect it used to. No?


HaHa! Where’d it go?!?

For the “tricky little ones” see: Demand the Now




Would you’d love to work with me to support you in this process?

Check out my Website Here at Personal GPS for Life.com


Connect with me at ReflectedInsights@Gmail.com

Choose Your World View

I would like to propose to you that:

  1. What you see as real is actually fluid and change able,
  2. It’s your beliefs that make it seem solid and true,
  3. And the reality you experience around you is ultimately your choice.

Could it be that what you see, and live as it’s the truth is not as real as you thought?

 Reality will change depending on where and how you are observing. A shared perception creates a shared or collective reality. A shift in perception can be shared with others and agreed upon, to create an alternate reality. So, as you see, what seems real to you can change.

What you believe is real is not solid. It’s what you choose to see and then believe and gather agreement on that makes it seem true,

Now we understand that the mutual agreement of a perception, creates a collective and shared reality. This agreed upon reality can appear solid and true to the observers. These repeated thoughts and perceptions becomes a belief. This belief becomes so strong that directs your thoughts, words and ultimately your actions. These actions become habits. Not only physical habits, but mental habits as well. Your habits become your character. And this perpetually re-enforces these beliefs that lead you into your destiny. Actually strengthening that reality even more.

(An interesting side note is that Even science has demonstrated the changing nature of reality by performing experiments on photons. By doing both wave and particle experiments on these photons at the same time, The photon will not “know” if it is supposed to behave as a wave or a particle, until the observer decides to measure it’s state. THIS is when the photon’s behavior can be identified as wavelike or particle-like.

What matters to us here is that The photon will behave however the observer perceives!

You are not trapped by the world you now know.: Ah Freedom!

What if what you believe is real, truly is fluid and flexible. Each reality option is right in the mind of the one who believes it. And you actually choose the life you live by the choices you make based on what you perceive and believe and gather agreement on.

Now, you go into your employer’s office; what, and more important, WHO do you see in front of you? What view do you see him or her from?

What agreement, for what you see, do you gather at the water cooler? What conversations about what you perceive are you having every day? What world do you create? Is that the one you truly desire? Do you now understand that you can choose again? And, with a little practice, expand this new reality through agreement and conversations?

Now you all realize that we can break free from the world we perceive around us; and shift into a world that we truly choose. Maybe one of abundance, generosity, freedom and love??

Thank goodness, Reality is fluid. That it’s only our belief that makes it seem solid and real. And by shifting what we choose to see, and gather agreement on, we all are able to choose again… what we truly desire. Choose wisely!